We have made every effort to safeguard the information transmitted to this site. Below, we have provided some technical information that will help you understand the safeguards we have instituted for your protection.
We are utilizing the industry standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security protocol that our database uses to interact with secure browsers. The secure browsers we support include Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Don't worry if you are not sure if your browser supports SSL. We have designed our catalog so that it will not allow you to transmit the order without SSL functionality.
Many parts of the database are used only to view information. The view only areas contain information that is not proprietary and does not contain confidential information. In order to gain maximum speed, these areas are not designated as secure areas. This is a common practice among all internet commerce sites.
In areas such as the check-out area, vital information is exchanged. In this area we use the SSL protocol to safeguard the data. In most browsers, your URL address will change from 'http" to "https. This is your cue that you have entered a secure area. Some browsers will even notify the user once they leave a secure site. A pop-up window will appear letting you know you have left a secure area. Do not be concerned if this message appears during your electronic session.
After your information has been transmitted, we process your order on a different server that is not connected to the internet. This is where we process your budget code. This server does not have any outside modems or links to the outside world. All information on this server is protected with multiple layers of software security.
If you have any technical questions or concerns, please email us in the suggestions area. We will be happy to respond.